Pass your next DCAA audit with ease

Count on SpringAhead to meet all the timesheet DCAA compliance requirements without making accounting your second business. Start bidding for government contracts today!

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SpringAhead makes converting to DCAA compliance a breeze

Painless for users

Painless for users

SpringAhead was built with DCAA compliance in mind. All DCAA functions flow with the system and don't require punitive workarounds and confusion for your workers. For example, making changes to timecards from previous days simply require a reason, not a headache of administrator intervention.

Easy to implement

Easy to implement

Implementation of DCAA functionality requires a few updates to payroll items and the simple flip of a few switches in the SpringAhead settings interface. It's so straightforward, you can do it yourself!

Audit ready from day one

Audit ready from day one

SpringAhead always tracks a history of changes and approvals in all accounts, even for deleted timecards. This means that customers who are already using SpringAhead may trigger DCAA functionality without requireing a new account or implementation. Any previous timecards in the system can be reviewed in the event of an audit.

SpringAhead meets the following DCAA requirements:

Total time accounting

Total time accounting

SpringAhead natively supports tracking and payment of all worked time, including correct rates for paying labor subcontractors, while programmatically limiting invoices to billable time at contracted rates.

Change log

Change log

SpringAhead tracks the full history of changes made to every single time entry, including timestamp of the change, the nature of the change and the user who made the change.

Daily entry

Daily entry

SpringAhead time entry settings can be configured to add extra limits or requirements on timesheet entries for any day other than the current day.

Rationale requirement

Rationale requirement

There will always be moments when corrections must be made to time entries. In the event of a correction that must be made outside of the same-day window, SpringAhead requires a rationale to be provided.

Job costing analysis

Job costing analysis

For any contracted job or customer, SpringAhead can report on job costs in the form of worked time and expenses incurred. Additionally, full original timecard data is exported to QuickBooks, ensuring full use of job costing functionality.

Contract identifiers

Contract identifiers

All worked time recorded in SpringAhead is tracked against projects, which directly correlate with any government or customer contract. Codes and other identifiers can be displayed for workers, ensuring accuracy.

Role separation

Role separation

In SpringAhead, the roles are clearly separated between time entry, time approval and export to accounting or payroll. This ensures that managers are not entering time for workers and the jobs of payroll management, and time oversight are structurally divided.

Records retention

Records retention

Data is never deleted from SpringAhead accounts, unless through express written request from the primary administrator. This ensures you meet all federal records retention requirements, no matter the type of contract you hold.