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Chrome River for Invoice Processing is Becoming Emburse Expense Enterprise

Increase your team’s agility with accounts payable automation

Chrome River Invoice, becoming Emburse Invoice Enterprise, delivers an even more powerful world-class business rules engine. We offer flexible and configurable solutions to support your current T&E needs with the ability to grow with you in the future.

Deep industry expertise and tailored vertical solutions support our unique customer needs - powered by robust rules engines and exceptional connectivity.

Invoice Enterprise plays well with your entire technology stack thanks to a partnership ecosystem with seamless integration to support travel, sustainability, and core systems including ERP, HRIS, and banking and card gateways.

Chrome River Invoice

How it works

Streamline invoice management with automation

Invoice Enterprise is a global future-ready solution that allows you to quickly capture, store, match and approve invoices in a modern interface.

Say goodbye to frustrations over mounting piles of paper, late payment fees and lack of visibility. Say hello to maximum efficiency, insight and agility with streamlined AP automation.

Why Emburse?

Benefits of utilizing Invoice Enterprise

Strengthen relationships with suppliers, never pay late again, enable the capacity to take early payment discounts

Empower employees to be efficient with an elegant, intuitive interface on the device of their choice

Leverage a configurable business rules engine to systematically enforce compliance and reduce the opportunity for fraud

Easy approval processing right from your email with systematic alerts and notifications when the status of an invoice changes

Two and three-way purchase order matching capability for peace of mind

Receipt capture technology

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Accounts Payable teams already have a lot on their plate, even before the lengthy invoice management process begins which can result in delayed payments, upset suppliers, decreased compliance enforcement, and lower data accuracy.

Invoice Enterprise offers the latest embedded OCR technology, OCR vision, to automatically scan and extract invoice image data for processing, greatly reducing data entry while significantly increasing accuracy with no special training or templates required. Additionally, you can take OCR accuracy one step further by adding human verification with Emburse Invoice capture.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on Chrome River Invoice

Increase Efficiency and Maximize Agility with Chrome River Invoice

Compliance & Oversight

Increase efficiency and maximize agility

Whether your organization receives invoices as paper or images from suppliers, or in a true electronic (data) format, we can meet your business needs by helping you increase compliance, minimize risk and gain control. Emburse's eInvoice mapping tool allows you to easily upload supplier invoice data files in bulk directly into Invoice Enterprise for processing.

Once entered, eInvoices follow your normal invoice business process flow to route for approval via a configurable workflow to ensure the right people are reviewing and approving payments. Invoice Enterprise maximizes efficiency for remote or work-from-home AP employees safely and securely.

User satisfaction

Keep the entire organization happy

AP software and online procurement solutions help keep your team happy. Speedy, efficient invoice processing not only allows your organization to be more agile, but also frees up time for your AP team to work on higher value-added activities over manual data entry and invoice tracking.

With Invoice Enterprise, your AP team will benefit from an intuitive solution that transforms them into strategic advisors. Keep your suppliers happy as well, with our Payments tool that enables you to eliminate checks in favor of more secure and cost-effective payment options such as virtual card or ACH payments.

Keep Everyone Happy with Emburse Invoice

Clear visibility with Chrome River Invoice

Data visibility

Achieve crystal clear visibility

Get visibility into everything from spend patterns to the status of an invoice with Invoice Enterprise. With a centralized database for all your invoices, there is no more wondering about what happened to that invoice from a month ago, as you will have real-time access to the status of all your invoices.

Obtain a clear, accurate picture of your organization’s invoice spend, volumes and cycle-times with our robust Analytics tool, enabling your AP team to negotiate with suppliers and make data-driven decisions.

Invoice management for procurement

Gain confidence in your procurement process

Invoice Enterprise offers an intuitive, yet powerful Purchase Order module fully integrated with Emburse Invoice in one digital platform to provide purchase requisition creation, routing and approval capabilities.

Leverage the Purchase Order module to create purchase requisitions for pre-purchase authorization and ultimately, for approval and conversion into purchase orders. As an addition to Invoice Enterprise, Purchase Order allows you to rest easy knowing your end users are creating requisitions and purchase orders in one digital platform with an elegant and intuitive user experience on their device of choice.

Purchase Order offers a configurable entry screen for entering requisition header and line item detail. Attach supporting documentation and add notes for a complete request.

Once created, the purchase requisition is routed according to flexible and configurable routing rules defined to meet your business needs. Routing rules can be created based on any attribute of the purchase requisition record such as vendor, accounting data, date, amount, what is being requisitioned, etc.

Notifications are sent to approvers who can review, approve, reject, or return a purchase requisition for correction. Approvers can easily add additional ad hoc approvers during the process if additional review is needed. Approving requisitions and their associated documents in Invoice Enterprise is simple and consistent across modules with notifications and review capabilities right from your email.

A single intuitive user experience for approvers across devices and applications provides simplicity to ease user adoption and remove the need for additional training.

We understand that you may have complex purchasing policies. Different types of purchase requisitions may require additional explanation, details, and approvals depending on spend threshold or category.

Invoice Enterprise's embedded business rules engine allows you to configure business rules to ensure your policies are enforced.

Combined with the approval workflow, you can be sure that when your requisitions are converted to purchase orders, they are complete, correct and ready to be sent to the vendor.

When invoices are subsequently sent to you by your suppliers, you want to be sure you are paying for exactly what was ordered and received. Approved purchase orders created in Emburse Purchase Order are matched when the invoice is received and processed in Invoice Enterprise.

Invoice header and line item detail are extracted from the invoice image via OCR vision and copied into the invoice record. Invoiced amounts, unit prices, extended prices, and quantities are compared and matched to approved purchase order amounts.

Invoices that do not match (either exactly, or within customer-specific matching tolerances) can be routed within the system to the appropriate party such as Purchasing, Receiving, or a Requester to resolve any two-way or three-way matching exceptions.

Take it one step further and leverage the Invoice Receiving Module to document goods receipts against purchase orders, directly within the Invoice Enterprise application.

You need the power to make data driven business decisions and negotiate better contracts with your suppliers. Through Emburse Analytics, the procurement and finance teams can perform detailed spend analysis across purchase order and invoice records to help manage costs and ensure your organization receives the maximum benefits and discounts from your vendor negotiations.

Invoice Enterprise's Purchase Order module provides visibility into your procurement business process flows by automating the creation of purchase requisitions which not only creates significant cost and time savings over manual processes, but it gives your organization visibility into where the requisition sits in the workflow and how much committed spend your organization has made via purchase orders.

This is insight you simply don’t have when paper is sitting on someone’s desk. Contact us today to let business flow with Invoice Enterprise.

Gain confidence with  Invoice


Features that future-proof invoice management



Automate expense approval routing and budget verification processes with innovative technology from Emburse

Business Rules

Business Rules

Emburse Enterprise delivers a powerful world-class business rules engine as a core part of our solution.



Endless configurability to fit your business requirements as they change

Rich Internet Applications

Rich Internet Applications

RIA technology enables delivery of remarkable features, beautiful user interfaces and lightning fast performance



Our SaaS solution allows you to avoid the investment in hardware while receiving an incredibly powerful and resilient service offering.

Web Application

Web Application

Emburse Enterprise’s expense report app means that your users have a consistent, high-quality experience on any device.


So easy to use, customers love it

Our choice of Emburse Enterprise was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Emburse Enterprise was the clear winner.

Sally Abella

Director of Corporate Travel

Emburse Enterprise simplifies our process a great deal and makes expensing charges a much quicker process.

Leigh Ann Kerns

Purchasing Agent

Team members enjoy Emburse Enterprise’s automated process and the reduction in time spent on creating expense reports and submitting them; and use their mobile devices for receipts and approvals, and most importantly, quick reimbursement.


Isn't it time to make the switch to Emburse Enterprise?

Schedule your personalized demonstration today.